One of the most awaited programmes of the year, BMKS was
flagged off at Government Lower Primary School, Ramabai Nagar amongst the
presence of enthusiastic and zealous volunteers along with a bunch of
inquisitive kids.
BACHHE MANN KE SACHHE is an initiative by Aashayein
Foundation, Mysore in which we identify (through survey) children with good
potential who come from a very weak financial background so much so that they
are not in a position to afford education.
Modus Operandi:
These identified children are then admitted to government or
government aided schools and are provided with all the things, from books and
stationary to uniforms.

The Programme on 18/08/2012:
As part of BMKS, 5
children who were identified in the Government Lower Primary School, Ramabai
Nagar were given the “BMKS kit” which contained a pair of uniform, couple of
notebooks, geometry box, puzzles and brain teasers and water bottle, all in a
Subsequently, we conducted BMKS on the 25th at two more schools; Govt. H.P.S
, Srirampura and Govt. L.P.S, Parasayana Hundi, Mysore where 5 chosen
children from each of them were given the BMKS Kit.
This programme is being planned to be launched on a larger
scale, i.e. to spread to many more schools. Since this is a sponsored
programme, anyone interested can approach any one of the volunteers mentioned
We do hope to find ourselves contacting a lot of people and
we also hope to find more and more volunteers willing to give a hand.
Do remember, your one dinner in a posh restaurant could be a
child’s education for one whole year!!
Akhilesh- +91-99868-90140
Jayanth- +91-9900146680
Hem- +91-90359-04336
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